Text Sets:
Our Way
Baskwill, J. (2003) If Peace Is… New York: Mondo
Dawes, K. (2005). I saw your face. New York: Dial
Castle, C. (2002). For every child. London: Red Fox.
Feelings, T. (1993). Soul looks back in wonder. New York: Puffin
Hamanaka, S. (199) All the colors of the earth. New York: Mulberry Books
Katz, K. (1999). The colors of us. New York: Henry Holt
Khan, R. (1999). Muslim child. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Co.
Levine, E. (1989) I Hate English! New York: Scholastic.
Llao, J. (2006). The sound of colors. New York: Little, Brown & Co
Mandelbaum, P. (1990) You be me I’ll be you. Brooklyn: Kane/Miller Publishers
Morris, A. (1990) When will the fighting stop? A child’s view of Jeruselem. New York: Atheneum
Polacco, P. (1994). Pink and Say. New York: Scholastic
Say, A. (1991). Tree of cranes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Shange, N. (2004). Whitewash. New York: Walker & Company (Out of print)
Shea, P. (1996). The whispering cloth: A refugee story. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Surat, M. (1983) Angel child, dragon child. New York: Scholastic
Weaver, J. (2006). The Quilt of Belonging. Toronto: Maple Tree Press
Bergoli, (2004). The goat lady. Gardiner, MA: Tilbury House
Choi, Y. (1993). Halmoni and the picnic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Hoffman, M. (1991). Amazing Grace. London: Frances Lincoln
Mathis, S. (1975) The hundred penny box. New York: Puffin
Mora, P. (1997) A birthday basket for Tia. New York: Simon & Schuster
Polacco, P. (1994). Tikvah means hope. New York: Dell.
Polacco, P. (1992). Mrs. Katz and Tush. New York: Dell.
Say, A. (1982). The bicycle man. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Shea, P. (1996). The whispering cloth: A refugee story. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Trottier, M. (1996). The tiny kite of Eddie Wing. New York: Kane/Miller
Yolen, J. (1997). Miz Berlin walks. New York: Puffin.
Colour of Home
Aliki. (1998). Marianthe’s story: Painted words/spoken
memories. New York: Greenwillow.
Baylor, B. (1994). The table where rich people sit. New York: Simon Schuster.
Choi, Y. (2001). The name jar. New York: Knopf
Choi, Y. (2001). The name jar. New York: Knopf
Dragonwagon, C. (1990). Home place. New York: Scholastic.
English, K. (2000). Speak English for us Marisol! New York: Albert Whitman & Co.
Heide, F.P. & Gilliland, J.H. (1990). The day of Ahmed’s secret. New York: Scholastic.
Hoffman, M. (2003). The color of home. New York: Phyllis Fogelman/Penguin Putnam.
Khan, R. (1998). The roses in my carpets. New York: Holiday House
Mora, P. (1997) Thomas and the library lady. New York: Random House.
Pak, S. (1999). Dear Juno. New York: Viking.
Recorvits, H. (2003 ). My name is Yoon. New York: Giroux
Yashima, T. (1993). The village tree. New York: The Viking Press.
Wyeth, S. (1998). Something beautiful. New York: Dragonfly