
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Jane Baskwill
482 Carleton Rd., R.R. #1
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
Faculty of Education
Mount Saint Vincent University
Office: SAC 439
Phone: 902.457.6189
(H) 902.584.3692
2003 Ph.D. in
Education; Focus areas: educational leadership, representation in
arts-informed methodology,
school change, Principal/practitioner research, feminist research;
Dissertation: Women principals and their work: Is there room for the
‘girls’ in the ‘boys’ club’?; Supervisor: Dr. Patricia Thomson;
University of South Australia
1993 Teaching
Licence: Nova Scotia Teaching Certificate, Class 7, Nova Scotia
Department of Education
1992 M.A. in Education,
Focus areas: literacy, family/community literacy, school change,
Principal/practitioner research; Thesis: Finding common ground:
Building a dialogic community; Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Manning; Mount
Saint Vincent University
1987 M.Ed., Focus
areas: family literacy, educational administration, practitioner research;
Special Project: Parents and teachers: Partners in literacy;
Supervisor: Dr. David Doake; Acadia University
1973 B.Ed., Focus
area: Elementary Education; Acadia University
1968 B.A., Focus areas: Language Arts, Art, Drama, French; Hope
College, Holland, Michigan
Scholastic Achievement:
1992, Kappa Gamma Phi Honour Sorority, Distinguished Master’s Thesis,
Mount Saint Vincent University
2003-present, Faculty
of Education, Assistant Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
2003-2001, Faculty of
Education, Instructor, part-time, Mount Saint Vincent University
2001, Distance Learning and
Continuing Education, Instructor, part-time, Mount Saint Vincent
1995-2003, Kingston and
District School, Principal, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
1988-1995, Parker's Cove
Consolidated School, Principal, Annapolis Valley District School Board
1976-88, Lawrencetown
Consolidated School, Teacher, Annapolis Valley District School Board
1974-76, Margaretsville
Consolidated School, Teacher, Annapolis Valley District School Board
1971-74, Glooscap Elementary
School, Teacher, Annapolis Valley District School Board
1968-71, Bignell Elementary
School, Teacher, Grand Haven School Board, Grand Haven, Michigan
1967-68, Saugatuck
Elementary, Teacher, Saugatuck School Board, Saugatuck, Michigan
Teaching Awards and Honours
Education Quality Awards for
Innovative Curriculum Projects, Nova Scotia Teacher's Union,
Distinguished Achievement
Award, Educational Press Association of America, 1989
Leadership: Annapolis
District School Board Educational Leadership Award, 1988
Recognition for Educational
Leadership: Nova Scotia Department of Education, 1986
Friends of Writer's Award:
Nova Scotia Writer's Federation 1984
Research and Scholarship
Research Program:
My research program demonstrates my areas of research interest. One of my
interests is researching educational administration and, in particular,
gender and the principalship. My use of arts-informed methodologies and
ways of representing data makes a notable contribution to the field. My
doctoral dissertation describes this research. I have written several
peer-reviewed publications growing out of this work: one book chapter, an
article to be published this fall, a book chapter (co-authored), also due
out this Fall, an article under second review and several non-refereed
papers, symposiums, and performed presentations. I also pursued similar
research in Jamaica under a Mount Saint Vincent University New Scholar
Grant (2003). I made presentations on my findings at the four Teachers
Colleges in Jamaica and in a paper presented to the Canadian Association
for Studies of Women in Education (CASWE).
Another area of interest for me is applied literacy research. My earlier
action research (Baskwill, 1998) investigated parental and community
literacy in a small fishing village in Nova Scotia for which I received
the MSVU Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award (1992). I continue to
research and write about literacy learning and teaching in a variety of
contexts – the university classrooms, schools, rural families and
communities. My recently completed research (Baskwill, 2006), funded by
the Knowledge Development Centre, studied rural school volunteerism,
barriers and best practices, and resulted in two deliverables: a Manual
for School Volunteers and a Fact Sheet, in English and French - that
describes the research, reports the findings and makes recommendations.
This research is interconnected with my on-going research that studies the
use of writing as a vehicle through which parents, children, schools, and
communities, in rural settings, can come together to share knowledge,
strategies and expertise about literacy learning. I received a Knowledge
Exchange Grant from the Canadian Council on Learning (2006) with Dr. Mary
Jane Harkins. Dr. Harkins and I have made a presentation on our work and
have submitted an article. In August, 2007, I received research funding
from the Canadian Council on Learning for an Adult Learning Grant to study
the early literacy practices of rural dads and their pre-school children.
In addition, I am involved in a funded project at Cambridge and District
School (PDAF, 2006; FLIEF, 2007) for which I am the principal evaluator.
I am also interested in investigating my own teaching practice through
conducting participatory action research.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Baskwill, J. (2006) If at
first you don’t succeed…A closer look at an old adage, Language Arts,
Vol. 83, No. 6,
Baskwill, J. (January, 2008)
Principal arts, Educational Insights
Under review: Picture It,
Dads! Changing the picture of dads’ and male caregivers’
involvement in
children’s literacy development,
Canadian Children
Accepted (Co-authored*):
Through a child’s eyes: Using photography to support and sustain
parents’ initiation of
home writing activities, Young Child; with Mary Jane Harkins (20
* Please note: all
co-authored publications reflect the equal contribution of all the
Single blind
Baskwill, J., (2004).
The Writing’s on the
Wall: Musings from Childhood. Talking Points,
National Council of
Teacher’s of English, Urbana, Illinois.
Book Chapters
In Press: Art-Full
Journals: Helping students make multi-modal connections to “big ideas” and
“strong texts”,
Booth, D.,
Jupiter, C. & Peterson, S. (Eds.). A place for children’s literature in
new literacies classrooms, Portage & Main Press (20pp.)
In Press (Co-authored*): Jane
and Pat Think and Do: A Basal Reader Story, with Pat Thomson in
L. Neilsen, A. Cole & G. Knowles (Eds.)
Backalong Books (20 pp.).
In Press: Art-Full Thinking:
Exploring Teacher Attitudes Towards Multicultural Literature
Through the Arts,
G. Taylor & K.
Hinton-Johnson (Eds.), Multicultural literature and the new educational
accountability, (20 pp.).
Baskwill, J., (2001).
Performing Our Research and Our Work: Women Principals
on Stage, in L.
Neilsen, A. Cole & G. Knowles (Eds.) The Art of Writing Inquiry
(pp. 132-158), Backalong Books.
Research Reports
Baskwill, J. (2006).
Expanding Volunteerism in Rural Schools in Nova Scotia: Promising
Practices. Toronto, ON: ImagineCanada;
(It is published on the Nonprofit Canada website
which is a project of Imagine Canada. The URL for the website is
http://www.nonprofitscan.ca/) In
addition, a Fact Sheet was written for this project and is also
available to interested stakeholders, agencies and the public.
Papers Presented at
Conferences and Meetings
Gender and
literacy learning: Cross-cultural perspectives on the ‘boy problem’,
Conference, York
University, York, Ontario, May, 2006
And they lived happily ever after:
Counternarratives to the ‘boy’ myth,
Narrative Matters Conference, Acadia University, Acadia University,
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 2006
Re-imagin(e)ing educational
administration: the art of the mask,
Paper presented at the
Educators Conference,
Saint Francis Xavier
University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, November 19, 2005.
The art of meaning making:
It’s just a ‘girl’ thing,
Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 1, 2004
Data-driven decision making:
Where data drove us, a report from the colonies,
Panel with Susan Church, Michael Corbett, David MacKinnon, Glynis Ross,
Ann Vibert, Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference,
June 1, 2004
Performing research,
Atlantic Educator’s Conference, Halifax, NS, November 2001
Artful research,
Atlantic Educator’s
Conference, Fredricton, NB, November 18, 2000.
The messy art of educational
leadership: Perspectives from two women administrators,
Susan Church, Women & Society
Conference, Poughkeepsie, NY, June 9-11, 2000.
Getting messier and messier:
The art of the principal,
Paper presented at the Atlantic Educators
Charlottetown, PEI, November 20, 1999.
Learner support: A
classroom-based literacy intervention program,
Paper presented at the
Granite State Reading
Association Conference, Burlington, VT, October 1998.
Invited Keynotes and
Every child can read:
Supporting early literacy learning in pre-school settings.
Keynote Address,
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Educators Certification Council Conference,
New Minas, NS, May, 2002
Parents and teachers:
Establishing a partnership in literacy.
Keynote Address, Pictou Reading Association Conference, Pictou, NS, May,
Creating home/school
Keynote Address, Digby Local of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union Annual
Conference, Digby, NS, 1998
our research and our work: Women principals on stage,
Paper presented at University of South Australia Summer Institute,
Halifax, NS, 2001
Play/writing the educational enterprise: Scripting inquiry ,
Workshop Symposium, with Lorri Neilsen, American Educational Research
Association Conference, Seattle, WA,, April 13, 2001.
Performed Presentations
Body of work:Research-informed
theatre as embody/ment of practice in educational
Festival of Original Theatre Conference, Toronto, February 12, 2005
Live performance,
dinner theatre performance and lecture, Women in Educational Leadership in
Nova Scotia Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, 2001
Professional Activity
Yes, but…if they like it
they’ll learn it!,
2007, with Susan Church and
Margaret Swain
Peace is a promise,
Mondo Publishing, New York, 2003
Touch the earth,
Mondo Publishing, New York, 1999
Every child can read,
Scholastic, Inc., 1998, with
Paulette Whitman
Interactive literacy builders,
Scholastic, Inc., 1998
Mondo Publishing, New York, 1996
Learner support program: A
framework for classroom-based reading intervention,
Scholastic Canada, 1995, with
Paulette Whitman
Language arts sourcebook -
Grades five and six,
Scholastic Canada, 1991, with
Steve Baskwill
Parents and teachers:
Partners in learning,
Scholastic Canada, 1990
Pass the poems please,
Wildthings Press, Halifax, 1989
Connections: A child's
natural learning tool,
Scholastic Canada, 1989
Evaluation: Whole language,
whole child,
Scholastic Canada, 1988 with
A guide to classroom
Scholastic Canada, 1986, with
Whole language sourcebook,
Scholastic Canada, 1986, with
Paulette Whitman
Moving on,
Scholastic Canada, 1988, with
Paulette Whitman
Book Chapter
Parent and community
involvement, in Curriculum planning in the language arts K-12:
holistic perspective.
Courtland & Gambell, eds. Captus Press, 1994
Scholarly Book Entry
From turkey traps to balloon
trees, in The Whole Language Catalogue, Goodman, K., Bird,
L.B.,& Goodman, Y. (eds.), Macmillan/McGraw Hill, Santa Rosa, CA, 1991
Invited Articles:
Fit for life, Principals
Online, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2006 (download at
Parents as partners: The
Principal’s role, Principals Online, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005
(download at
Building Community on Common
Ground: Celebrating Diversity, The CAP
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2005, p. 15
The much maligned teddy bear,
Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 28, No. 5,
1998, pp.56-58
Incorporate phonics into your writing program,
Teaching Pre K-8
Magazine, Vol. 28,
No. 1,
1997, pp.86
Conversing with parents
through dialogue journals, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 26, No.
1996, pp.49-51
Learner Support: A grassroots look at reading intervention,
Teaching Pre K-8
Magazine, Vol.
25, No. 8, 1995,
A story in progress: Writing
with young children, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 23, No.
8, 1993,
Learner support: A
classroom-based intervention strategy, Query: A Journal of the
Saskatchewan Reading
Council, Vol. 23,
No. 1, 1993, pp.28-31
Ask me about: A newsletter
with a difference, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 8, 1992,
From big books to bear's
teeth, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1991, pp.67-69
Your role during independent
practice, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol 21, No. 1, 1991
Sorting it out, Teaching
Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol 21, No. 8, 1991, pp.60-63
Taking stock, Teaching K-8
Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 8, 1990, pp.44-46
How to keep track of learning
growth, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol.21, No. 1, 1990,
Looking at ourselves,
Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol.21, No. 3, 1990, pp.75-78
Making the most of the shared
language session, Teaching Pre K-8, Vol. 19, No. 8, 1989
Routine explorations,
Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1989
The ordinary spectacular
literacy event, The Annual, A Journal of the Nova Scotia ReadingSpecialist's
Association, No.
1, 1989
Learner support: A grassroots
approach to reading intervention, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine,
Vol. 25, No. 8, 1989
Independent practice: Kids at
work, Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol.20, No. 1, 1989, pp.76-78
Making connections,
Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1988, pp.72-75
Themestorming, Teaching
Pre K-8 Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1988, pp.42-45
Conference Presentations (Conference Program Committee
Reviewed, Abstract only)
Journals: Helping students make multi-modal connections to “big ideas” and
“strong texts”,
A Place for Children’s Literature within New Literacies Classrooms, OISE/Toronto
IRA, Toronto Ontario, April 4-5, 2008
Changing the lens: Using
art-full reflective journaling and multi-cultural children’s literature to
explore issues of
anti-racism and social justice,
NCTE Literacies for All Summer Institute, Louisville, Kentucky, July
14-18, 2007
Peace is a promise: An author
works with schools to promote peace education through
children’s literature
and the arts, NCTE
Literacies for All Summer Institute, Charlotte, North Carolina, July
13-16, 2006
Enhancing literacy learning
and cultural transition through locally published reading materials,
with Susan Church and Margaret Swain, International Reading Association’s
Regional Conference, Toronto, November 27-29, 2006
Peace is a promise: A
whole-school approach to peace education,
International Reading Association’s Regional Conference, Toronto, November
27-29, 2005
Creating a caring curriculum,
Panel with Paulette Whitman, National Council of Teachers of English,
Atlanta, GA, 2002
Conference Presentations
Learner support: Meeting the
needs of struggling learners in the regular classroom,
Reading Association, Regional
Conference, Vancouver, 2002
Creating a caring Curriculum,
National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference,
Boston, 1996
Learner Support
and Whole Language
Teaching Strategies, Reading For The Love of It, Scarborough, 1995,
Whole Language Teaching
Northeast Whole Language Conference, Rutland, 1995,
1993, 1991, 1989,
1987, 1985
Creating a Caring Curriculum,
International Whole Language Umbrella Conferences 1994,
1992, 1991
Learner Support,
Australian Reading Association Annual Convention, Melbourne, 1993
Parents as Partners in
Saskatchewan Reading Association, Saskatoon, 1993
Evaluation in the Whole
Language Classroom; Shared Language and Independent Practice;
Whole Language
Teaching Strategies;
Parents as Partners Pre-conference Institute,
Reading Association's Annual Convention, Orlando, 1992; Toronto, 1988;
California, 1987; New Orleans, 1986; California 1985.
Organizing the Whole Language
Shared Language from Theory to Practice, New
England Reading
Association, 1987, 1986
Day by day: Parent and child
activity calendar,
Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union, 1989-90, 1987-88
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Research Dissemination:
Picture it! Publish it! Read
Canadian Council on Learning
Adult Learning Knowledge Centre Knowledge Exchange Symposium, Halifax,
June 9-11, 2007; with Mary Jane Harkins
Rural Volunteering in
presentation of research findings and recommendations,Knowledge
Development Centre Strategic Management and Coordination Committee 4th
Annual Knowledge Dissemination Forum, Saint John’s, Newfoundland;
September 21-23, 2006
Presentations and workshops:
Writers in the Schools (WITS)
2007-2004 – eight
schools/year, one day/school, over the past four years
Parents as partners,
School Counsellors Symposium, Mount Saint Vincent, October 12, 2006
The craft of writing for
children: From idea to published book,
presentation made to B.Ed
students, Acadia University
Wolfville, 2005
Gender and leadership,
Acadia University Graduate Studies Program, Wolfville,
NS, 2002
Inside the writer’s workshop,
Alex Bull Memorial Writer’s Festival, Digby, 2004
Fostering family literacy,
Family Literacy Week Conference, New Minas School, New Minas,
Teaching literacy through the
arts, presentation
to Bed students, Acadia University BEd Fall
Conference, Wolfville,
Touch the earth: Writing
about big ideas,
Saint Mary’s Elementary School Writer’s Workshop,
Presenter, 2003
Shared Language from Theory
to Practice, New
Brunswick Reading Association, St. John, 1986
Invited Professional
Development and Inservices:
Halifax Christian Academy,
Professional Development, Teacher Writing Workshops, Halifax,
2005, 2004 – six days
Association of Christian
Schools International, Inservice Presenter, Moncton, New Brunswick,
October, 2005, four
sessions on writing: Early elementary fiction and non-fiction, upper
elementary fiction and non-fiction
Association of Christian
Schools International, Workshop Presenter, Toronto, Ontario, October,
2005, eight sessions
on writing: Early elementary fiction and non-fiction, upper elementary
fiction and non-fiction, stages of young children’s writing development,
assessing children’s writing
Mississauga Masters Level
Summer Literacy Institute, Mississauga, 1998, five days
– five
New York State Department of
Education (BOCES) Conference, Uniondale, 1993, 1992 – four
90 minute sessions
Saskatchewan Federation of
Home and School Conference, 1993, (one day)
Kanawha County West Virginia
System Conference, 1992, four 90 minute sessions
Mi'kmawey Language and
Curriculum Conference, White Point Beach, 1988, two days – five
The Main - E-vent, Windham,
1988, 1986 – four 90 minute sessions each
Nova Scotia Reading
Association/ Nova Scotia Reading Specialists Association Provincial
Conferences, Halifax
1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984 – two 90 minute sessions each
University of Western Ontario
Summer School, 1988, 1987, five days – five hours/day
Literacy Institute, Paradise,
1989, 1988, five days – five hours/day
Scarborough/London School
Boards, Scarborough, 1987, three days – five hours/day
Don Holdaway Literacy
Seminar, Acadia University, Wolfville, 1985, five days – five hours/day
Audio-Visual Productions and
Materials (I have included new media in this section)
Video Tape Series:
Invitation to learning, produced in cooperation with Nova Scotia
of Education Media Services
and Scholastic Canada, 1988. Award winning video
distributed world-wide
for teacher professional development. Used in university classrooms as
PowerPoint: Picture It!
Publish It! Read It! Why Writing, Picture It! Publish It! Read It!
of Writing,
Picture It! Publish It! Read It! Making Books With Children; set of
deliverables written and developed for the Picture It! Publish It!
Read It! Knowledge Exchange Project, funded by the Canadian Council on
Learning, 2007, with Mary Jane Harkins. (available for downloading
www.janebaskwill.com )
Podcasts: PIP: Picture It
Parents Podcasts; Podcasts for parents, teachers and community that
provide current
literacy information and resources for promoting family literacy (can be
heard by following the links at
www.janebaskwill.com ) These podcasts were written and produced by me
as part of the Publish It! Project at Cambridge and District
School, funded by PDAF, Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the Family Literacy
Initiative Endowment Fund (FLIEF), 2007.
Grants and awards
Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) Adult
Learning Grant, $30000.00, 2007, Picture It, Dads!:
Engaging rural fathers and
male caregivers in children’s early literacy development – a formative
action research study
Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) Adult
Learning Knowledge Centre Knowledge Exchange Grant, with Mary Jane
Harkins, $4638.00, 2006,
Picture It! Publish It! Read
It! (PiPiRi)
Project: Engaging parents as
leaders in family literacy activities
ImagineCanada, Knowledge Development
$36669.00, 2005,
Expanding volunteerism in
rural schools in Nova
Scotia: Promising practices
New Scholar Research Grant, MSVU,
$6000.00, 2003, Women elementary principals and their work
in the Jamaica public school system.
have also been the principal writer of two grant applications for an
applied research literacy project at Cambridge and District School that I
initiated and is being implemented in partnership with the Cambridge and
District School, the Annapolis Valley First Nation and the Valley
Community Literacy Association (VCLA). Both have been funded:
Publish It! Children and
Parents – Partners in Learning,
Professional Development
Fund (PDAF), $6,000.00, 2006
Publish It! Children and
Parents – Partners in Learning,
Family Literacy Initiative Endowment
Fund (FLIEF),
$12,000.00, 2007
Funded Projects:
Clarica Foundation, $7,000,
2002, Leading the way: Developing leadership attitudes and
behaviours in children
and youth.
ARTS Infusion
Foundation,$4,000, 2001, En Français: Enhancing language learning in
Immersion classrooms.
Shenoroil Foundation, $1500,
2001, Pursuing pathways to peace
IWK Grace Health Centre
Foundation, $4,500, 2001, Start smart: Giving children a head start in
literacy learning.
Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union
Professional Development Assistance Fund, $3,000, 2001, Using
drama to solidify
literacy learning development of at-risk children in the primary grades.
S.M. Blair Family Foundation,
$2,000, 1997, Girls and young women leading the way.
IWK Grace Health Centre
Foundation, $10,000, 1996, Facing the facts: Learning to deal with
stress, conflict and
Canadian Health Promotion
Fund, $2,500, 1996, From the inside out: Promoting positive school
climate project.
Internal and External Service
Administrative responsibilities
Program Coordinator,
Graduate Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, January 2005-present
Presentations to faculty
No-frills podcasting:
Beginner’s luck,
Mount Saint Vincent Teaching Showcase,
presentation/demonstration, Halifax, NS, April 13, 2007.
Principal Arts,
Research and Scholarship Open House, MSVU, 2005
External Service
Committees and
professional organizations
Center for Expansion of
Language and Thinking (CELT) (http://www.ed.arizona.edu/celt/),
sponsored member,
2007, on-going
FLEIF Grant Steering Committee, University partner, 2007, on-going
Nova Scotia Department of Education/University Liaison Committee, invited
member, 2003-
International Whole Language Umbrella (NCTE),
Board of Directors, elected June 2005 (3 year mandate)
Literacy Nova Scotia, member, 2007-present
Canadian Society for the
Study of Education, member, 2004-present
Canadian Association for the
Study of Educational Administration, member,
Canadian Association for the
Study of Women and Education, member, 2004-present
Playwrights Atlantic Resource
Centre, member, 2004-present
Playwrights Assembly, Neptune
Theatre, member, 2003-present
Canadian Children’s Book
Council, member, 2003-present
National Council Teachers of
English, member, 1985-present
Nova Scotia Writer=s
Federation, member, 1998-present
Writer’s in the Schools
(WITS) visiting author program, member, 2003-present
International Reading
Association, member, 1980-present
President Annapolis County
Council of the International Reading Association, 1993-98, 1981-83
International Reading
Association's Provincial Coordinator for Nova Scotia, 1985-88
Nova Scotia's Representative
to the International Confederation of TAWL Groups (Teachers
Applying Whole
Language), 1993-95
Founding Member,
International Reading Association's Whole Language Special Interest Group,
Member of International
Reading Association/ National Council of Teachers English Liaison
Committee, 1982-84
President Nova Scotia Reading
Association, 1982-84
Whole Language Umbrella,
member, 1993-present
Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union,
member, 1995-2003
Nova Scotia School
Administrators Association, member, 1988-2003
National Middle School
Association, member, 2000-2003
Canadian Association of
Principals, member, 1988-2003
Nova Scotia Writers
Federation Writing for Children Adult Competition, Judge, 2007
Atlantis, Manuscript
reviewer, 2007
Price Edward Island Council
of the Arts Writing for Children Adult Competition, Judge, 2006
Canadian Journal of
Education, Manuscript reviewer, 2005, 2006
Author-in-Residence, Annapolis Valley Regional Library, 2001-2005
Literacy Tutor, Lawrencetown
School, 2000-2005
Director, Student Drama
Workshop, Lawrencetown Consolidated School, Lawrencetown, 2005
Gerry Carty Memorial Writers=
Festival – Chairperson, 1999-2002
Kingston Drama Club Director,
Lawrencetown and Area
Community Partners Association Young Writer’s Club, Facilitator,
2002, 2003, 2004
I am also a playwright. My
play, Adie’s Postcards, was selected as part of a juried
competition for a Staged Reading at FemFest ’05, Winnipeg, Manitoba. This
selection also entitled me to work with dramaturge Deborah Trihanyi, OISE.