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I was born in Queens, New York. When I was a child my parents allowed me to write on one wall of my bedroom. It was in this space that I published, in words and pictures, my first stories and launched my writing self.

However, I have lived most of my adult life, after becoming a Canadian citizen, in rural Nova Scotia.  Here, I have watched foxes steal pears from beneath the trees in my back yard, listened to red-tailed hawks argue over a recently caught meal, smelled the arrival of a family of skunks, and tasted the wild blackberries that grow in the fields and by the roadside.

I appreciate and respect the beauty of nature in all its forms and all its moments.  I am a strong advocate for equity and social justice and work to further environmental and peace education in schools.  I share this through my teaching, writing and poetry.


Jane at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art







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